Enrolling in Courses Has Never Been Easier.
Our streamlined application process: As Easy as 1-2-3.

1. Step One: Create your account.
Getting started is fast and easy. Your first step will be creating your CJA application account. This will keep your information secure, open the application, and allow you to return to it later for editing. After creating your account, you will receive an email verification and access to the application.
2. Step Two: Complete the application.
Log in to your account and complete your admission application. In the application, you will provide important information such as student and family demographics, contact information, and prior educational information. You can also submit required documents, such as birth certificates and transcripts or grade reports, with your application. (Don’t worry — if you don’t have the required documents handy, you can submit your application today and provide them later!) To make the process as easy as possible, we’ve included an Application Information section below with helpful details and even sample homeschool transcripts and grade reports for homeschool families!
3. Step Three: Review and submit!
When you’re ready, click the review and submit button. From here, you will be directed to pay the application fee. After the application fee is paid, we’ll begin reviewing your student’s application. Our nonrefundable application fee is $100 per student.It’s that easy.
Contact Us
Full-Time and Part-Time Options
CJA offers two tracks or ways for your student to take classes: 1) as a full-time student and 2) as a part-time student. If your student will be taking all of his or her classes with us, then you will select the “Full-Time” option on the application. If your student will be taking anything less than all of his or her classes with us (for example, if your student will be taking one or more of our classes to supplement your homeschool program), you will select the “Part-Time” option on the application.
Required Documents
To complete your student’s application, you will generally need to submit only a few standard documents. Admissions decisions cannot be made until all required documents have been received. Most full-time students will need to submit only a birth certificate and academic records. Most part-time students only need to provide a birth certificate. If any other documents are needed, our Admissions team is here to guide you through the process.

Full-Time Student Application
If your student will be taking all of his or her classes with Covenant Journey Academy, you will select the “Full-Time” option on the Admissions Application. To complete your student’s full-time application, you will need to provide two types of documentation: 1) current and up-to-date academic records, and 2) your student’s birth certificate.
Official Academic Records
Current and up-to-date academic records are required to enroll your student as full time in Covenant Journey Academy. These generally consist of your student’s most recent report cards and/or official transcripts. Official academic records from a public or private school must reflect the number of credits awarded for each course and must be provided directly to Covenant Journey Academy from your child’s previous school. Generally, in order to be official, academic records must be signed by a school administrator and/or must include the school’s official seal. For homeschool families, official student records are signed by the responsible parent or guardian and must include the courses completed, the grades awarded for each course, and the credits earned for each course. If you need additional assistance, contact us anytime!
Unofficial Academic Records
Covenant Journey Academy may under certain circumstances enroll students in their initial classes based on unofficial student records. If a student is enrolled based upon unofficial student records, it will be the parent/guardian’s responsibility to provide official student records. Students enrolled in initial classes based on unofficial student records will not be allowed to enroll in further courses until Covenant Journey Academy receives the student’s official student records. Course grades and/or transcripts will not be released until all requested documents are submitted and approved.
Birth Certificate
All students will be required to submit a birth certificate and are subject to the age limitations reflected in Covenant Journey Academy’s Admission Policies. Birth certificates can be uploaded with your application or provided directly to our Admissions department later but must be received prior to enrolling in courses.
Not Sure Where to Get Your Child’s Birth Certificate?

Part-Time Student Application
If your student will be taking less than all of his or her classes with Covenant Journey Academy, your student will be considered part time. Part-time students are generally not required to provide academic records. You will only need to provide a copy of your child’s birth certificate.
Not Sure Where to Get Your Child’s Birth Certificate?

International Students
Covenant Journey Academy is excited to serve our international students. For any high school transfer credit to be awarded for courses taken outside the United States, it will be necessary to have each international course and transcript evaluated by an approved member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). You can review a list of approved evaluation service providers at NACES.org.
Additionally, in order to better serve you, international students enrolling in elementary through 9th grade will complete one or more placement examinations to ensure enrollment in the appropriate level of education.

Florida Residents
Because CJA is recognized by Florida and diplomas awarded meet Florida requirements, full-time students residing in the state must meet the school entry health exam requirement and provide appropriate immunizations in accordance with Rule 6A-6.024, F.A.C., School Entry Health Examination of Section 1003.22(1), F.S., and Section 1003.22, Florida Statutes, and Rule 64D-3.046, Florida Administrative Code.
Public and Nonpublic Schools, Preschool, Kindergarten through 12 must provide either the Florida Certification of Immunization (DH 680 Form), including Parts A, B, and C, or provide the Religious Exemption from Immunization (DH 681 Form). Forms DH 680 and DH 681 must be obtained directly from your local Florida Health Department and/or your child’s primary health care provider.
More information is available here:
School Entry Health Exam:
- https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/immunization/children-and-adolescents/school-immunization-requirements/index.html
- https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/immunization/children-and-adolescents/documenting-immunizations/index.html
- https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/immunization/children-and-adolescents/immunization-exemptions/index.html
NOTE: This is a standard requirement by the State of Florida. Covenant Journey Academy DOES NOT request or require proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

Standardized Tests and Placement Testing
We are happy to provide a rich variety of placement tests to help you ensure your student is studying at an optimal level. In some cases, full-time students may be required to provide results of standardized tests or take placement testing. This is to ensure that the student is enrolled in courses that challenge the student and are at the appropriate academic level for the student. Examples may include English, Math, Science, and Foreign Languages.
While placement tests are not required for part-time students, they may be encouraged to take placement tests to ensure proper course enrollment.
Should parents/guardians decline placement testing, students are enrolled at their own risk. A request to switch to a new course (for example, honors version to regular) is considered a withdrawal, and the new course will need to be purchased at an additional expense. All withdrawals are subject to the withdrawal policy and refund schedule as provided in the Student and Parent Handbook.

Registering for Courses
After submitting your completed application and required documents, students accepted into Covenant Journey Academy will receive an official letter of acceptance. From there, it’s time to register for courses! Here’s an overview of CJA’s Course Registration Process:
Select your Courses
After receiving your student’s letter of acceptance, you are ready to register your student for courses. Upon acceptance, we will help you schedule a meeting with your student’s academic advisor. Your student’s academic advisor will help you select and register for courses.
Complete Financial Check-in
Once you and your academic advisor select your student’s courses, you will receive an email confirming your student’s courses and providing instructions to complete financial check-in (FCI). FCI will be done in your FACTS Family Portal.
Access your Child’s Courses
After completing financial check-in, you will receive an email with instructions for accessing your student’s courses, setting up your parent observer account, and everything you need to start your student’s learning journey. Courses will be available based on your requested start date.
Ready to Get Started? Need Additional Information? Have Questions?

Post Office Box 547067
Orlando, FL 32854
CJA@ CJ.Academy
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