Tips for Success
As a student of the Academy, your success is paramount. Here are a few ideas to help you achieve success.
- Handbook/Orientation: A thorough review of the student handbook is highly recommended. Watching the orientation video and participating in a Welcome Call with your teacher will also support student success.
- Secure supply items/resource materials: The Academy works to keep individual costs as low as possible. However, in many cases, supplies and resource materials must be purchased. Be sure to have these supplies prior to the start of each course.
- Set goals: Goal setting is essential in all areas of life, including education. Consider setting goals for study time allotment, coursework time allotment, course completion time, and final grade achievement. Each course may have different goals. Benjamin Franklin said, "By failing to plan, you are preparing to fail." This is true for life and for school.
- Organization and time management will set you up for success.Organized schedules and the use of a calendar have proven to increase learning success. Timely submission of assignments will prevent grade reductions and assignment pileups. Avoiding procrastination is essential to ensure you are moving forward in the course and will decrease your stress.
- Calendar and schedule.
- Submit assignments in a timely manner.
- Avoid Procrastination.
- Life application is the ultimate goal of learning. In each course, consider how the concepts apply to your daily life and how you can grow in knowledge and skills through the course content. Biblical concepts in each course should be applied to your daily walk with Christ. Consider how these concepts impact your personal life as well as society.
- The Lord created us to be in relationship with other people.From the Garden of Eden to the First Churches, God instilled in us a need for others who can encourage us, hold us accountable, and help us learn difficult concepts.
- Getting to know your teachers creates success in each course. Teachers bring a wealth of knowledge and are available to answer questions on the course, the content, and the assessments. You must be courageous and reach out to the teacher when you have questions.
- Participate in the Community Hub. You will be assigned to a level-appropriate section of our Community Hub. Here you can meet other students, find study partners, and engage with your CJA family.
- When applicable, getting to know your classmates will improve your ability to navigate relationships, resolve conflict, learn cultural differences, and value the opinions of others. Some courses may have group assignments, therefore, knowing your classmates will also support your success in the course.
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