Homeschooling Multiple Ages – Even with a Baby On Board!
Homeschooling can be a challenge. Add a new baby to the mix, and the schedule quickly gets thrown off-course – and the worrying tries to set in. Can I give all of my children what they need? Will anyone get lost in the shuffle? The short answer is no, and we are here at CJA to encourage you. We have some experienced homeschool moms with their top tips on homeschooling multiple ages – even with a baby onboard.
First, let me introduce you to our Expert Homeschooling Moms Panel:
Theresa C. is mom of six, ranging from newborn to 23. She has homeschooled her children for the past 18 years. When asked about her experiences, she said, “One would think because I’m so seasoned that I’m a pro at this mom and homeschooling thing. I am far from it. I do love my children and want what’s best for them in the Lord.” Her goal is to provide her children with a firm foundation on Biblical Worldview application, to ensure they have an excellent education, and to be present and engaged in their lives.
Natalie G. is a homeschool mom of eleven, and she has homeschooled for more than 20 years. Her family made the homeschool choice to ensure family time, as well as to discover not just what their kids learned but how their kids learned. Her words of advice: "Let go of the fear ... fear that your children will end up behind, that you are not equipped to teach them, that you will all drive each other crazy, or that they won't be well socialized. Of all the people on this earth, God entrusted your children to YOU as their parents. He knew what he was doing, and He will equip you to teach them."
Here are their top tips for teaching multiple ages, with a baby in the mix:
Homeschooling offers a unique and beautiful experience for kids of all ages to learn to work together, support each other, and demonstrate God’s design for families. When a new baby comes, homeschooling families learn patience, caregiving, and see firsthand how love expands. This new little one brings a great opportunity to teach your children how to serve more, self-govern, and be a blessing to your family!
First, let me introduce you to our Expert Homeschooling Moms Panel:
Theresa C. is mom of six, ranging from newborn to 23. She has homeschooled her children for the past 18 years. When asked about her experiences, she said, “One would think because I’m so seasoned that I’m a pro at this mom and homeschooling thing. I am far from it. I do love my children and want what’s best for them in the Lord.” Her goal is to provide her children with a firm foundation on Biblical Worldview application, to ensure they have an excellent education, and to be present and engaged in their lives.
Natalie G. is a homeschool mom of eleven, and she has homeschooled for more than 20 years. Her family made the homeschool choice to ensure family time, as well as to discover not just what their kids learned but how their kids learned. Her words of advice: "Let go of the fear ... fear that your children will end up behind, that you are not equipped to teach them, that you will all drive each other crazy, or that they won't be well socialized. Of all the people on this earth, God entrusted your children to YOU as their parents. He knew what he was doing, and He will equip you to teach them."
Here are their top tips for teaching multiple ages, with a baby in the mix:
- Spend Time in Prayer with God.
Prayer is essential to our daily life as individuals and as a family. Through prayer and through listening to the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, homeschool parents or grandparents can best support the unique needs of each child. Theresa encourages you to keep prayer and time with God as the focus of your life. When trying to balance work, homeschooling, and family life, don’t become so distracted that you forget to spend time with the Lord. Joshua 1:8 reminds us to: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (NIV). Even though your quiet time with God may look different with children at home, keep Him at your center. - Give Yourself and Others Grace.
You may feel that you are not giving "enough" to your baby or your other children. Offer yourself a heaping dose of grace. Natalie said, “You must give yourself a lot of grace. Babies are babies for a short season. Your school-aged children will not lose out on their education because you must give time to the baby.” Also, remember there is a time of transition for the whole family. Offer each person the grace to move through the changes in the family environment as you build a new culture. Just keep learning fun and kindle the joy that comes with discovery. - Have Fun and Make Memories.
Homeschooling is a great opportunity to enjoy each other’s company while everyone is learning. Whether you are teaching about botany at the local botanical gardens (which may offer free admission) or reading to your children from one of your favorite childhood books, you can guide their day showing them that learning is fun. Enjoy the uniqueness of each child by understanding their learning style and finding ways to engage them in the process. Reading to older children while nursing the new baby may be a great time to snuggle with your children and keep them learning, Theresa said.
"When my oldest two were younger, there was a guy that used to go to bookstores and pizza places and sing silly songs that he wrote for the kiddos for free," Theresa shared. "We tried to be there every time he came to the pizza place near us. He got to know us well. One time, he was singing his silly song about throwing things out the window and threw my son’s name in it. He was probably 4 or 5 years old. Now he’s 18 and still hasn’t forgotten that." - Build a Schedule.
Scheduling is important, especially with a new baby added to the homeschool environment. Theresa recommended getting older children on a chore schedule and a daily school schedule before the new baby arrives, making the transition easier. Her husband found a great app which their kids use to track their chore completion, which allows them to see their successes each day. Just remember to keep some flexibility. Schedules may need shaking up occasionally to ensure that kids are enjoying the learning environment. - Remember, Perfect is Not the Goal.
We are not perfect, nor do we need to be. As homeschooling parents, teaching our children, running a household, engaging in the community, and so many other things vie for our time. Pick and choose what is most important to keep the peace and keep everyone on the learning adventure. It is ok for the house to look lived in if that brings peace of mind. - Plan. Plan. Plan.
Planning is essential to the busy homeschooling family. Making the simplest decisions (like what’s for snack today) can be overwhelming when it’s the one hundredth decision of the day. If you plan for the week or month, daily stress is lessened. This could mean prepping meals the day or weekend before or preparing snacks while the kids are asleep. Looking at the calendar ahead of time and planning your lessons, as well as field trips, co-op classes, and social activities will help save time (and probably money) in the long run. - Teach Your Children to Steward Their Education.
Using curriculum that is self-paced and self-taught, yet guiding and engaging, allows children to learn how to self-govern their days, behaviors, and learning needs. Covenant Journey Academy’s online courses do just this. Children set their pace, which teaches them self-accountability, yet certified teachers are available to offer feedback and encourage growth. Parental involvement is essential, but teaching kids to self-govern is a tool they will use throughout their lives.
If a question arises, let them research the answer instead of giving it to them. This teaches not only research skills but also how to discover God’s Truth. Looking at the world around us, children may have many questions. Teaching them to delve into the Word of God to find the answers is also a valuable life skill. - Ask for Help.
Community is a God-given need we all have. We need to be in communities that encourage us, love us, and support us. As a homeschool family with a new baby, you need your community! Theresa said, “You need people in your boat that will say, ‘Peace, be still!’ on those rough days.” Natalie suggested working together with other co-operative learning groups or providing breaks for each other. You may need to ask family or friends to watch the children while you go the grocery store or have a parents-only date night. Look for local homeschool support groups. Stay engaged in your local church and small groups. Being present in community allows you to recognize the needs of others and offer loving encouragement. - Encourage One Another.
This one is for all of us. Moms, encourage your husband. Dads, encourage your wife. Grandparents, encourage your kids and grandkids. As Believers, we have a great opportunity to lift each other up, encourage one another and offer support when we can. Supporting one another is essential in all families. This could look like supporting a decision made by a parent, siblings cheering on their brother or sister at sports or musical events, allowing each other grace (and a break when needed), or simply being present to offer a listening ear or helping hand. - Find Beauty in the Experience.
Natalie said, "The beauty of homeschooling is that you can teach when it works best for you -- whether that is only a couple of hours a day, all year long, or longer days but only three or four days a week." Finding your natural family rhythm can create precious moments of togetherness.
Homeschooling offers a unique and beautiful experience for kids of all ages to learn to work together, support each other, and demonstrate God’s design for families. When a new baby comes, homeschooling families learn patience, caregiving, and see firsthand how love expands. This new little one brings a great opportunity to teach your children how to serve more, self-govern, and be a blessing to your family!

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