New Analysis Shows Homeschooling Is Fastest Growing Form of Education
ORLANDO, FL – According to a recent analysis by The Washington Post, homeschooling has become the fastest growing form of education in the United States. The growth of families who have embraced educating their children at home since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has far outpaced the rate of growth at private and public schools by a large margin. In addition, parents are showing little signs of reverting back to their previous educational choices for their children.
The analysis examined data from 2017-2023 revealing the number of homeschool students in the nation rose 51 percent since 2017 and has far exceeded the seven percent rise in private school enrollment and four percent decline in public schools. The Post noted its analysis only represented about 60 percent of the nation’s school-age population since reliable data could only be collected from 32 states. This data came from 7,000 public school districts out of 13,318 districts in the country. The research also included more than 100 interviews and a national poll of homeschool parents. Other notable findings include:
After the pandemic and homeschooling surge, parents are choosing to continue to homeschool.
- Although small declines in homeschooling followed the initial pandemic surge, home education remained 45 percent higher in the 2022-23 academic school year than it was prior to the pandemic. This sustained level of homeschooling makes it the fastest growing form of education.
Homeschooling is on the rise in many states.
- Families are choosing to homeschool across the nation from New York City to rural Kentucky to southern California, all of which saw significant growth. For instance, New York State experienced a 103 percent increase in homeschooling and 24 of New York City’s 33 school districts tripled in the number of homeschooled students. Other states with notable growth of over 70 percent include South Dakota (94 percent), Rhode Island (91 percent), California (78 percent), Tennessee (77 percent), and Florida (72 percent). States experiencing smaller growth at less than 20 percent include Colorado (17 percent), Georgia (10 percent), and New Mexico (1 percent).
There are many reasons parents choose to homeschool their children.
- According to The Post’s national pollof homeschooling parents, the leading motivations to homeschool include:
- Concern about school environment
- To provide moral instruction
- Dissatisfaction with academics in schools
- Concern about school shootings
- Concern about bullying
- Local public schools too influenced by liberal viewpoints
- Concern about child being discriminated against
- To provide religious instruction
- Child has special needs school can’t/won’t meet
- According to The Post’s national pollof homeschooling parents, the leading motivations to homeschool include:
Homeschool parents do not need to do all the teaching.
There are many resources available to homeschooling families. Online curricula options are popular as the data suggests 60 percent of homeschoolers are using online classes in their education plans. Other home school options include communal homeschool co-ops where teaching can be a shared responsibility, or microschools operated out of a home where someone fulfills the role of a full-time teacher.
In 2019, the National Center for Education Statistics reported there were 1.5 million homeschooled children in the country, which was the last official federal estimate. The Post’s more recent analysis suggests there may be between 1.9 million and 2.7 million homeschooled children in the United States.
However, a 2022 study of homeschool education by the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI) estimates there are 3.135 million K-12 homeschool students, which is down from an estimated 3.7 million in 2021. NHERI also used available state-level data, and other data from the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Census Bureau states to conclude that homeschooled children make up approximately 6.6 percent of the total K-12 population, which consists of 55.292 million students. NHERI’s research also confirmed a decline in homeschooling after the pandemic but that parents are largely sustaining their decision to home educate their children.
NHERI findings also showed a difference in academic results between a homeschool education and an institutional education. Notably, NHERI states that 78 percent of peer-reviewed studies on student academic achievement show that homeschooled students statistically outperformed students educated in institutional schools and achieved both positive outcomes regarding social and emotional development.
With homeschooling on the rise in all demographic areas and socioeconomic levels, parents are open to the possibilities of viable home educational options. Furthermore, parents have not only found that homeschooling is possible, but they have also seen firsthand the public school system indoctrinating children with gender ideology, pornographic materials, and critical race theory that divides parents, teachers, and students against one another based on race, ethnicity, or gender.
As a result of these ideological agendas in government schools, Covenant Journey Academy (CJA) was launched in May 2022 as a full-service K-12 online Christian Academy that is available to anyone around the world 24/7/365 with more than 150 courses all taught by certified teachers. Covenant Journey Academy’s mission is to offer families a biblically integrated alternative to an on-campus classroom. CJA provides a superior learning experience built upon the foundation of a Christian worldview with the vision to empower courageous generations of highly skilled people thoroughly grounded in a Christian worldview to transform the culture.
CJA President and CEO Shawn Akers said, “We’re in a once-in-a-generation moment in education. The COVID-19 lockdowns gave parents a peek behind the curtain of the broken government education system. Covenant Journey Academy is providing the solutions they need to take back control of their children’s education — affordable, flexible, high-quality online education that’s leveling the playing field and setting their children up for success in school and in life.”
The CJA team is dedicated to helping parents and guardians guide children in developing their God-given talents, so they can face the future with wisdom, courage, and conviction. With support from CJA’s team of certified teachers and devoted staff, parents have the tools they need to help their children academically, spiritually, and emotionally.
CJA Founder and Chancellor Mat Staver said, “As the recent analysis suggests, parents are realizing something needs to change in the American education system. Increasingly, parents are stepping up to homeschool their children and equip them with the skills and knowledge to help them make informed decisions and live capable lives. Covenant Journey Academy is proud to be a part of a flexible education solution for parents and their children. We’re bringing high-quality private school education into homes and private schools around the world.”
To learn more about Covenant Journey Academy, visit CJ.Academy, or call 407-875-1967. To view an informative video overviewing the many options provided by CJA, click here.

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